Following along in the general tradition with author copies, I've decided to give some away, but rather than handing them out at random I thought it might be fun to have a competition.
I'll be giving away three signed copies of Fae - The Wild Hunt, or Realm of Twilight, the winner's pick.
To enter you simply have to send your entry to me here.
Your entry can be anything fae related. Fan-art, photoshopped images, fae-themed photo's, even a piece of writing... So long as it's fae-related, it counts. I'll post them up here for everyone to see and comment, then cut it down to the ones I like best, the top three will win a signed copy and the overall winner will receive a special prize that will be announced just as soon as I think one up.
This contest is open to entrants world-wide. Competition Closes Oct 31st, 2015 at midnight GMT,
First entries are in already. Some people work fast!